Will the DBPR change the “performance solution” mindset
Working in a more investigative building management capacity, a word that is banished around more than I wish to encounter is “performance solution”.
Depending upon which professionals are managing a performance solution, they can bring out the best and the worst of our expert industry.
I have witnessed amazing performance solutions from engineers and they should be commended for their level of brilliance.
On the other hand, I have witnessed superintendents of projects requesting “AFSS in lieu of” and “experts advising” if we take the fire rating labels in fire stairs off the door, we can provide a performance solution to your fire stairs issues.
My experience has led me to understand that a performance solution is only as good as the professional teams managing the solution. The new Design and Build Practitioners Regulations DBPR does focus on performance solutions and how they are managed, this should automatically raise the standards of how professionals move forward and design them. I look forward to a level of performance solution management.