Building Management – The humanity side of defects
Defect rectifications are never straight forward and when control joint issues are thrown into the mix, what is usually simple waterproofing, delamination and facade rectifications become delayed as rectifying these prior to a control joint rectification is likely going to result in a second failure.
As factual and simple as this is, try telling that to an owner with damp mouldy walls needing their subsill and waterproofing rectification remediated as the flashing was never installed correctly.
Building Managers and Strata Managers deal with the humanity of defects and we feel the frustrations of owners whose aim is to just enjoy their home, their corner of the world.
During defect remediation, be it in an apartment or sometimes just larger scale common property defects, residents’ lives are usually thrown into chaos for a small period and for most residents, the scale of chaos can be unexpected and result in conflict and disapproval of remedial contractors.
Empathy is always important, but preparation for a resident mentally is key. Preparing residents for the upcoming inconvenience Vs brushing it over, has quite a significant difference and impact in keeping harmony during defect rectification periods. The more prepared a resident is for the dust, the inconvenience, the visitor car parking area taken over by contractors, the lifts being used for transporting materials; all affects residents more than engineers and remedial contractor understand this.
A smooth defect period is not just a quality job within budget, be prepared and work with your residents. Their corner of their world is important.