Let’s stop the profiteering from residential strata owners’ misery
At its best, a well-oiled machine has every piece in its place, performing to an optimal level for which it was designed and installed. The same can be said for individual companies coming together as a team to take on the unthinkable. This is my take on the strata industry at the moment.
The industry finds itself continually challenged and plagued by building after building being under scrutiny, and it seems there are more experts than we know what to do with?
When there is a fire, our trained experts run towards the flames to rescue those in need, the majority know our place and watch from the sidelines and comment, and sadly, there is often a looter looking to take advantage. It’s usually when non-experts go running towards the fire where the real tragedies occur. If only these people chose to leave it to the most qualified and understand their place.
Although I am a professional dedicated to the defect space, I know where I fit within the system. I am not your expert; I am the coordinator, I am the on the ground defect support, and I work with the rectification programmes and support the litigation teams. A well-oiled machine can only be that when all the parts are performing as designed.
In our defect industry, there is too much at stake for everyone to be an expert. Our industry is in safe hands when our industry-leading engineers and experienced professionals step in to handle situations as they unfold.
Let’s stop the profiteering from residential strata owners’ misery if you are not the person for the job; it’s adding insult to injury.